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Management, Transparency and the Third Sector
01 Sep, 2021

Written by Fundaes

The global movement for Quality was born in the 1950s. Since then, we have seen a steady evolution of education so that products and processes have quality, that is, they are good, delivered on time and that their processes are not harmful to people, to the environment. environment and productivity.

by Robson Melo

Thus, over time, international quality standards were incorporated: for industry, commerce and services, the ISO 9000 series; for environmental management, the ISO 14000 series; for social responsibility, the ISO 26000 series.

More recently, world society has also started to require evidence of the integrity and transparency of (and in) organizations, which has been called compliance, term in English.

And even more recently, the financial market has incorporated the requirements of governance, environment and social responsibility, expressed in the acronym ESG, in order to guide equity investment in the perspective of Sustainability, a term that brings together the whole movement, also warning that this is do it now for current generations, without compromising future generations.

The Third Sector is not outside of all this movement, because the result of meeting the requirements of total quality is what gives it credibility to engage and mobilize people and companies, their human resources and their financial resources, in the causes they lead.

In health, environmental, economic emergencies, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, entities with social, humanitarian, environmental, cultural and rights-defending causes, it was once again evident that Third Sector entities are indispensable instruments to reduce the many resulting inequalities. At the same time, that all this be done with regular accountability and transparency.

And not only in emergencies such evidence is shown. It is also revealed in the daily policies of social and economic promotion.

This is why it is so relevant, gratifying and exciting to know and be able to propagate the recent achievement of international recognition, with formal certification on management and transparency, by some of the organizations affiliated to the Federation of Foundations and Associations of Espírito Santo – Fundaes.

Acacci – Associação Capixaba Contra o Câncer Infantil – obtained the international certification of Good Practices in Transparency and Management by Phomenta, an entity that certifies NGOs, accelerates entrepreneurs in the third sector and transforms volunteers into impact consultants.

The EDP company, through the EDP Institute, promoted training and, consequently, an evaluation for the same certification of other Espírito Santo entities. Among these are those most affiliated with Fundaes, Rochativa, the social responsibility arm of the marble and granite sector; the Todos os Cantos Institute, founder of the Espírito Santo Women's Orchestra and the Algazarra Coral; and Secri – Community Engagement Service, created within the parishes of Santa Rita de Cássia and Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and which operates in the Territory of Good.

This recognition makes us very proud, as it shows that we are fulfilling our mission with responsible work, based on good practices in transparency and management. Our voluntary activities are developed by non-governmental private organizations, in favor of society, and without the objective of profit and with essential results in favor of the most underserved.

Robson Melo is President of Fundaes, Federation of the Third Sector in Espírito Santo.

Article published in ES Brasil Magazine on the day 01/09/2021.

Management, Transparency and the Third Sector


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