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Digital Marketing in Fundraising: how to explore platform benefits and gratuities
24 Oct, 2022

Written by Fundaes

Third Sector Entities: stay tuned for this event promoted by LC4 in partnership with FUNDAES: Benefits and gratuities of digital platforms for Third Sector entities.

When? November 8th at 2pm.
Place? Online meeting.
Investment? Free 100% event.
Speakers: Leonardo Coelho, CEO of LC4, Dani Pires and Marcelo Coelho.

  • Understand the challenges that the Third Sector faces in the digital age;
  • See how to get the attention of donors, sponsors, investors and volunteers on the web;
  • Tools and platforms available at subsidized and free prices;
  • Management of free digital platforms and tools.

Go to the website and register now! https://conteudo.lc4.marketing/evento-lc4-e-fundaes

A importância do Terceiro Setor para a economia

A importância do Terceiro Setor para a economia

Segundo a pesquisa IDIS, em 2022 as doações individuais para ONGs e projetos socioambientais somaram R$ 12,8 bilhões Ele não é a indústria transformadora, não é o setor minerário ou outro extrativista, não é o agro, não é uma bigtech… Mas gera emprego e renda em...

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