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Approved changes in fund for children and the elderly
13 Dec, 2018

Written by Fundaes

The Plenary approved, this Wednesday (12), Executive bills that change laws that deal with the Fund for Children and Adolescents and the State Policy for the Elderly. The two matters were processed on an urgent basis, received oral opinions for approval at a joint meeting of the Justice, Citizenship and Finance committees and were unanimously approved. 


O Bill (PL) 295/2018 amends Law 4,653/92, which created the Fund for Children and Adolescents (FIA). The matter specifies who has the right to use the fund, which aims to implement the policy for the promotion, defense and care of children and adolescents in the State. The project determines that FIA resources must be used to meet programs and actions carried out by state and municipal public administration bodies and entities.


already the PL 296/2018 amends Law 5,780/98 - which provides for the State Policy for the Elderly and the State Council for the Defense of the Rights of the Elderly - to improve the control of resources from the State Fund for the Defense of the Rights of this part of society. The article expands the sources of income and facilitates the application of donated resources.

Source: www.al.es.gov.br/Noticia/2018/12/35946/aprovadas-mudancas-em-fundo-para-infancia.html?fbclid=IwAR3L0JBAbLp-RJ-pLIBBqpxeeaeabWOoQ_2Z_Ff55kjg1aaem5TiPH7uZkA

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