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Philanthropy Caravan
17 May, 2019

Written by Fundaes

Which is?

Meetings and meetings with congressmen with the aim of raising awareness among parliamentarians about the importance of the sector's contributions to the country's development. The mobilization is organized by FONIF, with the aim of dialoguing and with the participation of citizens and social organizations interested in defending the cause.  

To this end, FONIF has scheduled a visit to Brasilia on the days May 28th, 29th and 30th.


How it works?

To participate, simply register using the form on the side and FONIF will contact you with further information. Participants will be divided into groups, and may be subdivided to participate in meetings that will be previously scheduled with parliamentarians.

In the meetings, informative and educational materials will be distributed on the philanthropic cause to bring knowledge to congressmen about the difficulties faced by the sector and to make them aware of its significant contributions to public policies with the provision of services in the area of education, health and assistance Social.


What will the schedule be?

There will be programming on the 28th, 29th and 30th of May, from 9am to 6pm. We will have pre-scheduled meetings and meetings with fronts, leaders and benches. The details of the agenda will be announced in person on the day, at a meeting point previously arranged with the participants. The address will be disclosed to those officially registered.


What is FONIF's responsibility as the organizer of the event?

Coordinate activities, produce promotional material and organize the agenda.

FONIF is not responsible for nor provides transport and accommodation for Caravan participants.

For more information access: http://fonif.org.br/

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