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20th Anniversary of the João XXIII Institute
05 Jul, 2019

Written by Fundaes

On July 4th, the João XXIII Institute celebrated with great joy the results achieved in its 20 years of existence, with a differentiated program for the students. The educators presented themselves to the students through classical and popular compositions accompanied by violin, classical viola, guitar, cello, piano and other instruments used in the classroom and adopted by the Institute as inducers of its political-pedagogical project.

On this date, the work of artist Hilal Sami Hilal entitled “Terceira Margem” was raffled, valued at R$ 9 thousand reais, donated by the artist to be drawn on the anniversary of the Institute.

Also on this day, the stamp commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Institute, created by the Communication Agency DANZA, was launched.

Created in 1999 by its creators, Norozetti and José Osvaldo Bergi, the João XXIII Institute began its social assistance activities with the assembly of a children's choir with residents of the Itararé region in Vitoria - ES, with the purpose of offering opportunities based on art education , prioritizing social inclusion for children and adolescents in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability.

From the idealization of a dream of the couple Norozeti and Osvaldo Bergi to the realization of their goals, just over two decades have passed. From a musical choir formed by children and adolescents to the transformation into one of the most respected Civil Society Organizations in the State of Espirito Santo, it was only necessary to add love, engagement, focus and cooperation.

Love and pride of the Bergi family, who continued their parents' dream of running the institution that bears the name of Pope John XXIII, known as the “Good Pope” or the “Good Pope”.

Engagement of teams of employees and volunteers who directly and indirectly gave their best when providing services to the institution. Many of them linked to the Institute until the present day with the same motivation and joy of the first days.

Focus on its mission of contributing to the strengthening of family and community ties of young people and adolescents who would certainly not be able to participate in integrated experiences between cultural and sports technical knowledge with the absorption of ethical and moral values and principles.

Finally, without the financial cooperation of supporters, partners and associates who, through their recurring contribution, guarantee the functioning of collective activities offered free of charge to more than 180 young people and adolescents from more than 28 neighborhoods in the city of Vitória.

The feeling that gives rise to all the recognition for all the support received is of GRATITUDE.

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