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Opening of the Afecc Outubro Rosa store at Shopping Vitória
13 Aug, 2019

Written by Fundaes

It's today at 18 pm! Inauguration of the Afecc Outubro Rosa store at Shopping Vitória, 2nd floor, next to Óticas Diniz. You are our special guest to discover the Pink October 2019 shirt and all the products made with great care to reinforce this beautiful chain of good!   ????????

The president of Afecc, Marilucia Dalla, recalls that the amount collected with the pieces, including the shirt of the movement, is used in social programs.exclusively aimed at SUS patients undergoing cancer treatment at Hospital Santa Rita de Cássia. So, at the October Rosa Store you don't buy, you donate the amount corresponding to the desired product. It is worth remembering that the store's space, as well as all the decoration and furniture were also transferred, free of charge, to Afecc.


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