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Donate Day – Donate to JuntosES
05 May, 2020

Written by Fundaes

On Donation Day, we count on you to reach a solidarity goal, donating to the togetherES, a movement supported by Fundaes and created to minimize the impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in the State of ES.
We count on you to triple our daily average collection and reach the value of R$ 2,100.00 in 24 hours. Any amount is VERY important in our race in the fight against the new coronavirus and hunger in Espírito Santo.
We suggest quotas in the amount of R$ 60, which is the average value of each basic basket. In addition to the donation, we count on you to spread this action on your social media and in your groups! This is VERY important for us to hit this goal TOGETHER.

To donate:
1??PicPay (search for: JuntosES);

2??Bank transfer (Bank: Cash – 280 – Liftbank – Branch nº 0001 – Current Account nº: 615503-5 – Holder: Associação Hub do Bem – CNPJ nº 35.217.888/0001-01).
3??Through our website, choosing the amount of basic baskets you want to donate and making the purchase by credit card.
???? access www.juntoses.org
Let's do good together for good! ????

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