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Fundaes promotes training on the General Data Protection Law
26 May, 2021

Written by Fundaes

Fundaes, in partnership with the Lima & Reis Sociedade de Advogados Office, specialized in the Third Sector, promoted this Wednesday 05/26/2021, knowledge and reflection on the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), leading to affiliates and other participating entities to ask themselves: HOW DOES THE THIRD SECTOR ADAPT to the law's requirement?

In the words of the Southern Regional Director Ana Paola Mariano Viana, manager of Rochativa: “Actually, the meeting was excellent, and the topic was very pertinent in terms of the need for adaptation. This only meets the commitment of our entities to seek professionalism and improvement in the provision of work in the Third Sector. Now, it's time to take appropriate action!! FUNDAES, once again, directing us in the best way!!!”

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