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Do you already know FIC?
20 Apr, 2022

Written by Fundaes

The Capixaba Community Fund (FIC) is an initiative of the Federation of the Third Sector of the State of Espírito Santo – Fundaes and its objective is to raise funds to support social projects. With the mission of acting on voluntary work fronts that promote well-being in society.

The fund, which aims to support social projects, is unprecedented in Espírito Santo and will benefit several institutions.

The FIC launch event took place on March 31, in the Fucape auditorium. If you couldn't follow in person, check out the video and photos below how the launch went.

Now that you know, help by donating any amount on Pix: 05.237.947/0001-34.

And share with someone asking them to donate too.

FIC with Fundaes!

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