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world hemophilia day
20 Apr, 2022

Written by Fundaes

With the theme Your right to treatment: a life without bleeding, the World Hemophilia Day 2022 campaign by ABRAPHEM (Brazilian Association of People with Hemophilia) aims to raise awareness in the community and draw attention to the cause of Hemophilia and also encourage people with hemophilia and their family members to continually seek information about the treatment, knowing their rights and which way to go to obtain them. The actions propose the joint action of all those involved in this context, such as patients, family members, health professionals, influencers and the community to defend the rights of people with hemophilia.

about hemophilia

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that affects blood clotting. In the clotting process, when we cut a part of the body and it starts to bleed, the proteins present in the blood come into action to stop the bleeding. People with no have these proteins, and bleed more than normal.

World Hemophilia Day is celebrated on April 17 as a way to broaden the discussion about the disease and remember the importance of investing in the treatment of people. The date was chosen because it was when Frank Schnabel was born, hemophiliac and founder of the World Federation of Hemophilia, he worked to improve the quality of life of hemophiliacs.

Source: https://abraphem.org.br/a-abraphem/sobre-a-abraphem/

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